Medical Ozone Therapies – Topical, IV Ozone, Prolozone and Insufflation

What is Ozone? Ozone is simply an alternate version of oxygen. Oxygen (O2) in the air we breathe is two molecules of oxygen attached together.  Ozone (O3) has three atoms of oxygen attached together.  O3 behaves somewhat differently than O2. Ozone is “activated” and far more energetic and oxidative than oxygen, which is what makes … Read more

Bastyr Center for Natural Health: Anti-Inflammatory Diet

 Chronic inflammation can both lead to and aggravate a number of health conditions. The following dietary suggestions aim to decrease inflammation. Eat a Low Glycemic Diet Refined grains and sugars can be pro-inflammatory. Consume 7 – 10 Servings of Fruit and Vegetables per Day Colorful fruits and vegetables contain a myriad of phytochemicals that are … Read more

Vitamin B12 & B complex injections at Boise Natural Health!

Walk In Wednesdays for B-shots 11 am to 4 pmNo Appointment NecessarySee Fees Page We are pleased to support our patients with this safe and effective treatment. Whether you are an athlete looking to optimize energy and performance or are a busy parent or employee experiencing stress or low energy, you now have another option … Read more

Naturopathic Care for Seasonal Allergies

Instead of masking allergy symptoms temporarily with medications, naturopathic physicians are trained to look at the big picture to uncover root causes of your susceptibility.  The Total Load – the collection of challenges to a person’s health Your total load varies by day, week or over the years.  Like a bucket that is too full, … Read more

Pediatric Constipation and Encopresis

Constipation is a fairly common issue in children that often resolves itself with a few lifestyle changes.  But left untreated, it can become a chronic problem and even lead to encopresis (involuntary passing of stool, often due to impaction).  Naturopathic health care really shines in helping these children have healthy bowel movements.  The difference between … Read more

No More Bedwetting

Nocturnal Enuresis (bedwetting) is a common and embarrassing problem.  There can be various factors that may play a role such as bladder size, a hormone imbalance, chronic constipation, a or a structural problem. Read More about Bed-wetting from  But sometimes all it takes is a lab test.  I have been helping kids and young … Read more

How To Raise Your Testosterone Without Taking Testosterone

Some men have lower levels of testosterone as they age creating a decline in a feeling of general well-being or a decrease in sexual satisfaction – this is called Andropause.  Not all men have low enough testosterone to warrant hormone replacement (HRT) or they have other issues where HRT is not a good idea.  Here are some … Read more

Arthritis: A Naturopathic Approach

By Nicole Maxwell, NMD Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in older people as cited in a recent article in the American Journal of Public Health1.  The article states, “Arthritis will play a large role in the health-related quality of life, functional independence, and disability of older adults in the upcoming decades.” In … Read more

Aging: Two Books I’m Finding Useful

By Joan Haynes, NMD My own grappling with aging draws me, more than ever, toward a deeper understanding of the issues associated with getting older.  Here are two recent books I draw inspiration from, both personally and professionally: Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life By Louise Aronson, MD   Most people alive today will spend … Read more

Are Foods Causing Your Symptoms? Understanding Testing Options

Adverse food reactions are very common. If you have health concerns, this article will help you examine whether food might be a cause or contributing factor. What are Adverse Food Reactions? Adverse food reactions can be broadly classified into 2 categories: Sensitivity or Intolerance Time delayed reaction that occurs within hours to days of exposure … Read more