Author: Joan Haynes, NMD

What is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor?

Naturopathic Medical Doctors or Naturopathic Physicians (NMD) are the only licensed naturopathic providers in Idaho who are educated and trained in accredited naturopathic medical colleges recognized by the US Dept of Education. They diagnose, prevent, and treat acute and chronic illness to restore and establish optimal health by supporting the person’s inherent self-healing process. While naturopathic physicians can prescribe medications, they prefer to work to identify underlying causes of illness, and develop personalized, whole-body treatment plans to address them. 

In addition to practicing many natural modalities, NMDs can prescribe medications, order lab tests and imaging, and are licensed as Primary Care Providers in Idaho.

How are an ND and an NMD different?

The terms “ND” and “Naturopathic Doctor” and “naturopath” can be used in other states to denote licensed naturopathic physicians but these titles remain unregulated in Idaho and can be used by anyone – with or without any training.  In Idaho, only the title “NMD” is used by licensed naturopathic physicians.

What is Functional Medicine?

Many kinds of licensed and unlicensed providers use the term “functional medicine” to describe the services they offer, but there is no standardized training or requirements of education to use the term. Functional medicine providers sometimes have conventional training first and then add holistic training later, on their own or through a certification program. 

For More Information:

Heartburn and Discontinuing Acid Blocking Medication

Why Do We Need Strong Stomach Acid? 

  • Essential in absorbing certain nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B-12, and minerals 
  • Kills bacteria and other pathogens in the stomach to prevent infection 
  • Acid blocking medication increases risk of osteoporosis and fractures, pneumonia, Clostridium difficile and other gastrointestinal infections, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, chronic kidney disease, and dementia.   

Five steps to fixing your heartburn:   

  1. Manage symptoms 
  2. Identify causes of heartburn 
  3. Change diet and lifestyle factors 
  4. Repair stomach lining, look for infection, and support a healthy microbiome 
  5. Wean medication slowly 

Step 1 – Manage symptoms 

At first, if you are on an acid blocking medicine stay on the lowest dose you can tolerate.  To treat occasional breakthrough heartburn symptoms, choose one at time from this list:  

  • Chew 2 DGL wafers (this black licorice wafer also helps heal stomach so its good to chew 2 three times a day regardless of symptoms) 
  • Chew two Tums 
  • Drink 2 dissolved Alka-Seltzer 
  • Drink baking soda in water (1 teaspoon baking soda in 4 ounces of room temperature water) or plain seltzer water 

Step 2 – Identify causes of heartburn 

  1. Hiatal hernia (diaphragm dysfunction, belly fat) 
  2. Infection – H. Pylori 
  3. Gastric acid over-secretion and under-secretion both can create heartburn 
  4. Hypersensitivity to a normal amount of acid (lack of mucus in stomach) 
  5. Pancreatic insufficiency (digestive enzymes) 
  6. SIBO – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth 
  7. Stress, improper breathing, posture, spinal alignment 
  8. Diet and Lifestyle – see step 3 

Step 3 – Change diet and lifestyle 

Start with “low hanging fruit” – things that are relatively easy. Eliminate as many of these as you can.   

  • Acid foods such as citrus and tomatoes 
  • Alcohol  
  • Caffeinated products 
  • Chocolate 
  • Dehydration 
  • Eating quickly and unconsciously, not chewing 
  • Eating too close to bedtime  
  • Fatty foods 
  • Food sensitivities – Consider testing (wheat & dairy?) 
  • Overeating 
  • Raw vegetables in excessive amounts 
  • Smoking 
  • Spicy foods 
  • Sugar are refined carbohydrates 
  • Tannins in black tea 
  • Wearing restrictive clothing 

Step 4 – Repair the stomach lining, look for infection, support a healthy microbiome 

Your doctor will create an individualized protocol based on your symptoms, history, and lab testing.   

Step 5 – Weaning medication slowly 

Go slow – this process will take weeks or months and depends a lot on steps 1 – 4.  Stopping your medication abruptly can cause rebound acid hypersecretion.   

If you are on a PPI, in collaboration with your doctor, you will wean the dose and frequency of the PPI first, then you’ll switch to an H2 blocker then wean it slowly.   

H2 Blockers – partially stop stomach acid secretion 
– nizatidine (Axid) 
– famotidine (Pepcid, Pepcid AC) 
– cimetidine (Tagamet, Tagamet HB) 
– ranitidine (Zantac)   
PPI – almost completely stop stomach acid secretion 
– omeprazole (Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, Zegerid) 
– lansoprazole (Prevacid) 
– pantoprazole (Protonix) 
– rabeprazole (Aciphex) 
– esomeprazole (Nexium) 
– dexlansoprazole (Dexilant) 

When your digestive enzymes and/or hydrochloric acid are low 

Heartburn symptoms can happen from having low digestive juices – both hydrochloric acid from your stomach, digestive enzymes from your small intestines and pancreas, and bile from the gallbladder.  People low in digestive juices can have not only heartburn but often bloating, feeling overly full, abdominal pain, and other digestive symptoms.   

Your doctor can test for and explore the use of digestive enzymes, bile, hydrochloric acid capsules, and the proper use of apple cider vinegar and digestive bitters.   

Relaxation Therapy with Deep Breathing Reduces Heartburn Symptoms 

Do not underestimate the impact of stress on your digestive tract! 

Your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), the muscle at the top of the stomach that closes when the stomach is digesting is affected by stress.  When it doesn’t close at the right time (during digestion), it allows acid to reflux up into the esophagus.  In a study, deep breathing exercises decreased severity and frequency of reflux episodes.  

The LES, and the rest of your digestion, is controlled by the vagus nerve, an important part of the gut-brain connection.  The vagus nerve controls the rest-and-digest side of your nervous system which in turn balances the flight-and-flight part of our nervous system.   

Take many moments each day to check in with your breathing.  Work on only breathing through your nose.  Practice a slightly slower exhale to calm your vagus nerve.  Check in with your posture’s effect on your breathing and diaphragm.  Get up, stretch your ribs and back.  Do a few twists or even better take a yoga class!   

Read more about heartburn from Dr. Haynes: 

It’s Time to Stop Taking your Extra Zinc

During covid, many of us started taking zinc supplements to help our immunity.  But now, many are overdoing it!  It’s common for me to see people taking a high dose such as 50 mg or more daily for years on end! 

Functions of Zinc:

  • Part of immune system to fight off invading bacteria and viruses
  • Helps make DNA and proteins
  • Speeds wound healing
  • Part of thyroid function
  • Maintains a healthy prostate
  • Important for proper sense of taste and smell

Zinc can be Harmful:

  • Too much for too long can LOWER your immunity
  • An excess can lower copper levels
  • GI symptoms – nausea, dizziness, headaches, upset stomach, vomiting, and loss of appetite
  • Can cause low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol
  • Too much can make prostate cancer worse

Copper Deficiency Caused by high Zinc Levels

Low copper can cause symptoms of anemia, low body temperature, bone fractures and osteoporosis, low white blood cell count, irregular heartbeat, loss of pigment from the skin and thyroid problems.  Copper needs to be balanced with not only zinc but also manganese.  If you are taking zinc, you should be taking copper and a multimineral too! Adults need about 900 mcg of copper daily.  1 – 2 mg daily is a common daily dose when supplementing.    

How Much Zinc do Adults Need?

Adult females 8 mg

Adult males 11 mg

(see Resources below)

Worried you’ve Overdone it? 3 Options for Testing

  1. Your doctor can order blood tests and you can see if insurance will cover. 
  2. You can order your own zinc and copper blood tests at  Inexpensive tests but no insurance coverage.  Individual mineral tests run $10 – $60

While you are testing – consider running a couple more important mineral tests:  ferritin, mercury, and lead.   Ask your doctor to make a list for you if you want to add others.

Look for Zinc in your Diet

Whole foods have zinc and other minerals – beef, chicken, nuts, dark leafy greens, whole grains, beans.  It takes at least 4 cups of plant foods per day to meet your minimum requirements. 

A great article about foods rich in zinc:

When to Add more Zinc

  • When considering a multivitamin, look for one that contains no more than 15 mg/zinc/day.
  • If you are coming down with an infection or recovering from an injury or surgery, extra zinc might makes sense.  Check your multi first and take that amount into account for your daily total. Adults can consider taking total of 25 – 50 mg once a day for a about 1 month.  Take a low dose copper supplement  – again, check your multi first. 
  • Take zinc supplements WITH FOOD due to nausea which is a common complaint. 


Dairy 101

Trouble digesting dairy is not really a disorder, it’s just a natural variation in how our digestive system works. Most people in the world have trouble digesting dairy past infancy and symptoms can get worse with age.

Here are some tips and tricks to survive in a dairy filled world.  

Learn Your Dairy Vocabulary

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is a sugar in milk that requires our body to make lactase, a digestive enzyme to breakdown and absorb lactose.  About 65% of adults worldwide can’t breakdown and absorb lactose. 

Secondary lactose intolerance, which is often caused by damage to your intestines, might be reversible after your small intestine recovers.  The damage can be sudden, often caused by radiation therapy, celiac disease, inflammation in colon, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, infections in the intestines, and other food intolerances. 

Dairy allergy

A true allergy to dairy food is rare.  These sudden and sometimes extreme reactions are mediated by IgE antibodies, which can be tested for.   May need to carry an Epi Pen. 

Dairy sensitivity or intolerance (milk protein intolerance)

This is a common intolerance to milk proteins such as casein and whey (as opposed to intolerance to the sugars with lactose intolerance).  It can be measured by immune marker IgG. 

Symptoms are often gastrointestinal related but can also show up in other body systems such as headaches, fatigue, frequent infections, respiratory problems and more.

For more information about food testing, here’s another BNHC article:

Are Foods Causing Your Symptoms? Understanding Testing Options – Boise Natural Health Clinic

Pareve or Parve

If a label says Pareve or Parve, it is milk-free to conform to Jewish food laws.

Whey, casein, caseinate, lactalbumin, lactose

These are all forms of dairy that are added to foods for flavor or to improve nutritional content.

Ingredients that do not contain dairy (but sound like they do)

Calcium lactate, calcium stearoyl lactylate, cocoa butter, cream of tartar, lactic acid, oleoresin, sodium lactate, sodium stearoyl lactylate. 

Hidden Sources of Dairy

Battered fried foods, biscuits, breads, breakfast cereals, cakes, chewing gum, chocolate, cookies, cream sauces, cream soups, custard, deli meat, ghee, gravies, hot dogs, ice cream, imitation sour cream, instant mashed potatoes, malted milk, margarine, muesli, muffins, nougat, packaged soups, paneer,  pies, puddings, sausages, sherbet, soy cheese, tuna fish (canned), soup mixes. 

Another source: restaurants may put butter on steaks after grilling to add flavor. 

Dairy Substitutes

  • Dairy free cheese, milk, creamer, sour cream –We are in the hey-day of dairy free products, and they have improved so much in recent years.
  • Avocado – the texture and fat make it a great pretend cheese
  • Look for the word “vegan” on packaging as an easy way to tell if dairy free.
  • The Treasure Valley has some awesome creamy, non-dairy options for ice cream:

When You Want to Indulge – some kinds of dairy may be better

People generally do worse on milk, soft cheese, and especially ice cream.  However, there is less lactose and you are likely to have less symptoms with drier, aged cheeses (such as parmesan), fermented dairy such as yogurt, and goat or sheep milk products (instead of cow). 

If you do have dairy, choose smaller servings and eat with other food to help digestion.

Lactase & Enzyme Supplements

These are tablets or drops you take before consuming lactose that provide the enzyme to break lactose down.  Potentially worth a try if you are just lactose intolerant.  Won’t help with a dairy protein sensitivity. 

We recommend Enzymedica Digest Spectrum which has high-potency enzymes to support digestion of foods containing both gluten and dairy, as well as vegetables and beans.  You can shop on your BNHC Fullscript account:

Link to Fullscript – Digest Spectrum Enzymedica

Is Dairy Addictive?

It’s not just cravings, we can get hooked.  A protein found in cheese comes from casein which, during digestion, releases casomorphins, a substance chemically similar to opioids.  These casomorphins can attach themselves to the same receptors in our brains as heroin and other narcotics resulting in a little hit of dopamine and increased cravings.

Report from Women’s Hormone Boot Camp Continuing Education Weekend

A few weeks ago, I attended a 3 day, multi speaker conference known as “Hormone Boot Camp” that was attended by over 250 health care providers from around the country.  I’ve attended these hormone conferences many times before, usually every other year since med school.  I am a hormone user myself and have many patients on hormone therapy and want to be sure I’m keeping us all safe while we take advantage of the many benefits of bioidentical replacement.   I also want to keep up on new studies, new medications, and new delivery systems. 

10 things I want my patients to know:

  1. Starting hormone replacement at an earlier age is better.   There is little effect and potential harm if started > 10 years after menopause or if > 60 yo.  They now refer to it as the “Critical Window” of the optimal time to start.
  2. In most cases, you do not need to stop hormones until you want to. You don’t need to come off due to an imagined increased risk.   There are many long-term benefits of remaining on hormones beyond controlling symptoms such as hot flashes and insomnia including reduced heart disease, stronger bones, better cognition, less symptoms of aging and more.
  3.  If you start hormones too late, it can increase the risk of dementia.  But if started earlier it can prevent or delay the onset. 
  4. All forms of hormone testing (blood, urine, saliva) are valid for a baseline test, but salivary testing might be best evaluating hormone therapy.   If you are using serum (blood) tests for checking doses, serum estradiol with show up in a lower range. 
  5. Breast cancer risk from estrogen therapy is minimal and some studies even show that taking estrogen may decrease your risk of breast cancer.  Daily alcohol creates a greater risk than estrogen does. 
  6. Even if you have breast cancer, you are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease. Only 1 out of 31 American women die from breast cancer, while heart disease causes 1 of every 3 deaths.  75% of patients (men and women) hospitalized for a heart attack had cholesterol levels that would indicate they were not at high risk for a cardiovascular event.  At BNHC we can run expanded lipid tests to show much more helpful information to help modify your risk.  Read more in Dr. Nicole Maxwell’s article
  7. In women with a family history of breast cancer or BRCA 1 & 2 mutations, hormone therapy does not increase risk of getting cancer.  If personal history of breast cancer, some forms of hormones may be useful for symptom control with little risk. 
  8. Estrogen and progesterone may not be enough to increase libido.  Testosterone is often needed and can sometimes work wonders. *
  9. If you had your ovaries removed, replacing those lost hormones is very important to reduce the risk of bone loss, dementia, and other diseases of aging.  25% of women who have a hysterectomy only (kept their ovaries) will lose ovarian function after the surgery and have an earlier menopause.
  10. One of the speakers Tori Hudson, ND a former professor of mine and the author of books herself says that the book Estrogen Matters by Avrum Bluming, MD and Carol Tavris, PhD is the only book she recommends for both patients and providers! 

* Big NewsI now have a DEA number which means I can prescribe testosterone now.    Come see me if your estrogen and progesterone aren’t doing enough to help with libido!

Symptoms and Testing for Hormone Imbalances: The Big Six

By Joan Haynes, NMD

Hormone imbalances is something we see a lot of at Boise Natural Health. Listed below are symptoms of deficiency and excess of different hormones. Because there is such an overlap between the symptoms of the hormone imbalances, testing takes the guess work out.



  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Foggy thinking
  • Memory Lapses
  • Incontinence
  • Tearful
  • Depressed
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Bone loss
  • Aches/pains


  • Mood swings
  • Tender breasts
  • Water retention
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Fibrocystic breast
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Weight gain hips
  • Bleeding changes
  • Headaches
  • PMS



  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Foggy thinking
  • Memory lapses
  • Incontinence
  • Tearful/Anxiety
  • Depressed
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Heart palpitations
  • Bone loss
  • Irritability
  • PMS
  • Infertility


  • Sleepiness
  • Breast swelling
  • Breast tenderness
  • Decreased libido
  • Mild depression
  • Candida infections
  • Water retention

Androgens (DHEA and Testosterone)


  • Low libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Foggy thinking
  • Foggy thinking
  • Fatigue
  • Aches/pains
  • Memory lapses
  • Incontinence
  • Depressed
  • Insomnia
  • Bone loss
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Thinning skin


  • Excess facial hair
  • Excess body hair
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Increased acne
  • Oily Skin

Cortisol (Adrenal Gland)


  • Fatigue
  • Sugar cravings
  • Allergies
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Stress
  • Cold body temperature
  • Heart palpitations
  • Aches/pains
  • Arthritis


  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Bone Loss
  • Tired and wired
  • Weight gain in waist
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Thinning skin



  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Goiter
  • Constipation
  • Low body temperature
  • Dry hair
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Achy joints
  • Infertility


  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Goiter
  • Increased hunger
  • Racing heart
  • Diarrhea
  • Excess energy
  • Bulging eyeballs
  • Mood swings


Low blood sugar

  • Anxiety or irritability
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Irritability of confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Hunger
  • Nausea
  • Sugar cravings

High blood sugar

  • Increased thirst and a dry mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Tiredness
  • Blurred vision
  • Recurrent infections
  • Patches of darker skin
  • Skin heals slowly
  • Weight loss or weight gain

Testing Options

Some factors that determine which tests to order are symptoms, chronic health issues, family history, cost and insurance coverage.

Sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA) can be measured in saliva, blood, or urine. For menstruating women, collection is best near day 20 of their cycle. (Day 1 is the first day of bleeding). For non-menstruating women and men, the test can be run any day of the month.

Thyroid (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Thyroid antibodies, Reverse T3) can only be measured in blood.  It is important to avoid biotin for 48 hours prior to testing and time the blood draw about 4 – 6 hours after taking thyroid hormone.

Adrenal (Cortisol and DHEA) can be measured in blood or saliva.  Cortisol starts off high in the morning and lowers in the evening

For current prices and more information – call Boise Natural Health Clinic 208-338-0405.  You can schedule a free brief consult with one of our doctors to see if we can meet your needs.

The Benefits of Humidity

Keeping Indoor Air at 40 – 60% relative humidity will help you feel better in your skin and reduce your risk of flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illness. 

Every Fall, when the heater comes on, my skin, respiratory passages, and hair dry up.  It’s time to get out the humidifier.  We run it 24/7, all winter long in our bedroom and feel noticeably better!  I’ve cut way back on my lotion use.  My nose isn’t crusty.  I snore less because I can breathe thru my nose better.

Americans spend about 90% of our time indoors. 

What is relative humidity? – it’s the % of moisture in the air compared to the maximum water the air can hold at a given temperature.  Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air.   40% – 60% is the Goldilocks zone.  Not too humid and not too dry. 

Benefits of moister air:

  • Skin – increased levels of moisture in the hair can help your skin feel soft, supple and more nourished.  Less heel cracking. 
  • Nose, throat, lungs – less snoring, less crusty noses, less chapped lips. 
  • Lower risk of respiratory illness – New research from MIT suggests that the relative humidity in the air in our homes may be an important factor affecting the transmission of COVID-19.  Many past studies have shown that many viruses stay alive in the air much longer at humidity levels below about 40%.  An airplane cabin is held at 20% humidity, one of the reasons we get sick when traveling.

Low cost and easy way to get the facts on your indoor air. About $15.


Some people have whole house humidifiers, but if you don’t, consider getting one for at least the bedroom.  I prefer the ultrasonic cool mist versions over the ones with the fans which are a little noisy.  I also like the larger ones, so I only have to fill every day or two.   Keep clean by following the manufacturer’s instructions.  Unplug and empty.  I use 1 cup of water and 1 cup white vinegar and let it sit for an hour.  Be sure to rinse the reservoir and nozzle well too – gunk can build up. 

Hydrate your body orally too!

Read another article by Joan Haynes NMD Could Your Symptoms be Due to a Lack of Water?  Sometimes it’s That Easy!  I share my recipe of home-made electrolyte water. 

Two Simple Ways to Save Money on Health Care

Many insurance plans have high deductibles or limited coverage that don’t cover the tests or medications you need.  These two services below may be able to find you a lower price than your insurance co-pay.

  1. Order and pay for your own lab tests directly online.
  2. Get your blood drawn at Quest Diagnostic in Meridian
  3. Receive results yourself online.
  4. Share results thru BNHC Patient Portal or bring a copy to your visit.

Ulta will not bill your insurance and their receipt isn’t coded for insurance reimbursement.  In exchange, you don’t need a doctor’s order and they have very low prices.  They often run specials you can receive emails about.

Ordering labs can be tricky if you aren’t sure what to order.  If you like reading about health, Ulta offers lots of information that will help you navigate your choices.  Some tests need to happen in coordination with your medication or diet.  When in doubt, consult your provider prior to ordering.

  1. Find fee coupons
  2. Show coupon to your pharmacist
  3. Save up to 80%

Over 70,000 pharmacies participate for most commonly prescribed medications.   When you use a coupon, the pharmacy will not bill your insurance. You will often pay less than your insurance co-pay.  You may be able to submit your receipt for potential reimbursement or credit toward your deductible.  It’s easy to compare pharmacy prices.  Be sure to do your research AHEAD OF TIME so you can tell your provider which pharmacy to send your prescription.  

You might also want to check out Mark Cuban’s new drug company that has comparable offerings. 

Eye Health – Be Proactive

I recently took an Eye Health continuing education class.  It was excellent and I got caught up on the latest.  I learned some interesting and useful science about the eyes.  Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years of age and older. Luckily it is a “nutrition responsive disorder”.  

What is a Macula

The macula acts as a color filter through which light passes before it is perceived by the rods and cones in your retina.  It is responsible for some VERY important stuff:

  1. Our central vision
  2. Most of our color vision
  3. The fine detail of what we see

What Damages the Macula

Blue light comes from our light bulbs, computers and also the sun creates free radicals which damage the tissue.  Blue light creates reactive radicals (free radicals) in the retina damaging essential tissues.

Lack of eye resiliency that comes with age and poor nutrition. 

Macular pigments lutein and zeaxanthin quench free radicals and actively protect the macula’s nerve tissue from the damage

Orange Blocks Blue

If you’ve seen blue blocking glasses, you know that blue blocking glasses range from yellow to dark orange.  This makes sense, blue and orange are opposite each other on the color wheel. 

Pigments from Food get Embedded in your Macula

Some plants contain yellow/orange/red pigments such as lutein and zeaxanthin which then get embedded directly in the eye and directly contribute to your vision. 

To filter blue light, eat yellow-orange-red foods

Being Proactive

Macular degeneration is a “nutrition responsive disorder”.  The National Eye Institute has undertaken two Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS) showing that specific nutrients can slow the progression of the disease.  

NIH Conducted a Study which Created a Supplement

AREDS – Age-Related Eye Disease Studies by NIH.  Enrolled for thant 5,000 people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), ended in 2001.  Showed that a specific formula of nutritional supplements containing high doses of antioxidants and zinc could slow the disease in those who have intermediate AMD and those with advanced AMD in only one eye. 

Follow-up study AREDS2 published in 2013 substituted lutein and zeaxanthin for beta-carotine.  Results showed that the AREDS2 combination reduced the risk of disease progression by as much as 19 percent and/or of vision loss by 25 percent. 

Not all AREDS Supplements are the Same

After taking the class, I wanted to start an eye health product and be able to recommend one to my patients. 

In a recent medical journal researchers compared 11 brand-name supplements and found that many of the products were lacking.   Here’s the product I decided on for myself and to share with my patients: 

To order using Fullscript

Sources and Resources

Aging: Two Books I’m Finding Useful

By Joan Haynes, NMD

My own grappling with aging draws me, more than ever, toward a deeper understanding of the issues associated with getting older.  Here are two recent books I draw inspiration from, both personally and professionally:

Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life

By Louise Aronson, MD  

Most people alive today will spend more years in elderhood than in childhood – how can we make the best of it?  Part memoir, part medical information, Dr. Aronson’s book is long but easy to read.  She is a great storyteller and I can relate to her views on medicine.  

Here’s a review that captures how I feel about this book: 

“The book that every one of us has been or will be looking for – a passionate, illuminating, brilliant, and beautifully written meditation on aging and caring for elders.  Elderhood is a godsend.”  Pauline Chen, MD, author of FINAL EXAM.

The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline

By Dale E. Bredesen, MD

If you have concerns about failing memory, or perhaps have a family history of dementia, READ THIS BOOK NOW!    Early intervention affects outcomes. 

The book outlines 3 processes that lead to brain decline:

  1. Inflammation from infection, diet or other causes.
  2. Shortage of supportive nutrients or hormones.
  3. Toxic substances such as metals or biotoxins (from mold or chronic infections)

Dr. Bredesen details the basic labs and specialty tests to consider (which we run at Boise Natural Health Clinic) such as evaluation of food sensitivities, hormone levels, microbiome & digestion analysis, and toxin measurements.  

The research-proven ideas and protocols provided by Dr. Bredesen provide useful insights that will optimize anyone’s cognition, the aging process and positively impact almost any chronic disease, not just Alzheimer’s.