Category: Testimonials

Great Improvement in my Mental and Physical Awareness

I have seen Dr. Maxwell during the past 9 months and feel a great improvement in my mental and physical awareness and health. I have recommended Dr. Maxwell to a few friends, including my husband who will meet with her this week. I have a tremendous amount of confidence in Dr. Maxwell and know my body and health better now compared to a year ago. I am grateful for Dr. Maxwell’s communication style, knowledge and patience in teaching me her patient. Highly Recommend! TJMc

Trish M.

Boosting My Immune System and IV Ozone Treatments (MAH)

I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for Dr. Michaela Falkner at Boise Natural Health Clinic. As a two-time Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor & Bone Marrow Transplant recipient, I came to her in dire need of boosting my immune system and decreasing my severe autoimmune issues/EBV. I flew in from Los Angeles to do IV Ozone treatments (MAH) over the course of 6 weeks. It was very worth it because Michaela is AMAZING. I’ve had these health issues for many years and no one’s been able to shift them quite like this. I came out of those treatments feeling much better than I’ve felt in years, like I was on top of the world. I am incredibly thankful for Michaela, her kindness and empathy, and I highly recommend anyone who is looking to revitalize their health to book an appointment with her.

Lyme – Felt Amazing After 10 MAH (IV Ozone) Sessions

I started seeing this patient when she was a young girl for minor issues. Six years into our visits the patient began to complain of body aches.  On a blood exam, I found she was deficient in B12 and folic acid.  We did a series of vitamin B injections which greatly helped but she couldn’t go long without one.  Then her liver enzymes became abnormal, and the fatigue got more and more pronounced.  She was having a difficult time at school, and everything seemed extra stressful for her.

 Through testing, we discovered she had Lyme disease and that it was the root cause of her issues: depleting her adrenals and her nutrients.  I recommended 10 MAH (IV Ozone) sessions.  Her parents were cautious at first because they had never heard of the blood being ozonated then reintroduced into the body, and it was expensive.  However, we had a long working relationship built on trust and good health, so they opted for the treatment.

We had a follow-up visit several months later.  The patient had done 10 MAH sessions and she felt amazing!  She didn’t have to rely on B vitamin injections anymore, her body aches had resolved, and she had energy again.

EBV / Epstein Barr Virus – Reactivated Mononucleosis Resolved with MAH (IV Ozone)

I started seeing my next patient when she was 36yo.  Her main complaint was fatigue, foggy thinking, and a short temper.  We implemented various treatments that improved her symptoms by 70%. However, if she stopped the protocol her symptoms returned.

We tested for mononucleosis which came back active.  The patient also had an unusual rash that first occurred in college when she originally contracted mono.  I sent her for 10 MAH sessions.  She decided to research ozone and MAH before receiving the treatment and after deciding that it was safe and effective, she did her 10 sessions.  She felt better after six sessions but completed all ten.  Her fatigue, the rash, and the foggy thinking resolved. Best of all she was no longer irritable.

46 Pounds Lighter and Allergies Under Control

I was first recommended to Dr. Maxwell by a nutritionist who was concerned about my ongoing allergy symptoms that were getting worse by the day. She mentioned that what drew her to Dr. Maxwell was that she uses cutting-edge therapies along with natural healing modalities to get back to optimum health. I perked up when she said “cutting edge therapies and natural healing in the same sentence”, both of which I am drawn to.

At my first appointment, I was encouraged to do an initial liver cleanse to detox my system. It was also recommended that I have the Carroll Test done to check for any food intolerances my body might be trying to cope with. The cleanse was a huge success and I gained energy I haven’t had for years. Then I received my Carroll results and found that my main intolerance was fruit. I was pretty shocked and skeptical. Dr. Maxwell supported my new lifestyle changes and fielded all my questions easily and effortlessly. She goes the extra mile and is a pro at sending links and any information that she thinks will help my case. I’ve never experienced such a wonderful team health effort.

Seven months later I am 46 lbs. lighter and my allergies are under control. My skepticism about food intolerance are gone. I can attest that when I stay away from my intolerances I feel incredible, and “when I stray I pay”.

I highly recommend Dr. Maxwell for anyone who’s ready for a new lease on life.

L Le

Dr. Nicole is More Than Just a Doctor

Dr. Nicole is unlike any health care practitioner that I have ever worked with. She has taken the time to get to know me, my history, and my family. Rather than treating the symptoms, she passionately and confidently pursues the root of illness. Dr. Nicole is more than just a doctor to see when you are sick; she is a guide, a mentor, and a friend who truly wants to see you at your optimum health. She gets to know who you are and works within your personal life to help facilitate new habits and perspectives on health. I no longer avoid the doctor. Dr. Nicole has shown me that total wellness is something that is achievable.

Jenna T

Great Reviews for Dr. Nicole

I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Nicole! I came to her with several GI issues, hormone imbalance and the desire to streamline the multitude of supplements I was taking. I had already taken a battery of tests and was not getting the information I needed to get better. She reviewed the tests and interviewed me in detail with thoroughness and thoughtfulness. Moreover, she called the lab physician for one of the tests I had taken to get more detail about my results. I have NEVER had nor heard of a doctor doing that! She demonstrated time and again that her interest was in helping me attain my best healthy self. Her protocol for my complex GI issues is effective, my hormone balance is coming into line and I was able to reduce the number of supplements I am taking. I am feeling much better physically as well as emotionally (‘there is an answer!’).

Now, my son sees her too.

Much thanks Dr. Nicole!

Lisa A.

Saved My Life

Dr. Joan Haynes is very complete when it comes to forming a foundation for better health. She has saved my life, literally. I love the atmosphere of her clinic and the people who work there. Thank you Dr. Haynes


Community Help with Sliding Scale

Dr. Haynes, thank you for being so kind, patient, and generous! And, for making yourself available in times of crisis.  I really appreciate your ability to listen and willingness to explain things.  Even when I was worrying over something that now, looking back, seems somewhat minor you always took me seriously which was comforting.  So thank you for getting me started on the path to recovery, I feel so much better than I did before and I’m feeling stronger every day.

You are making a significant contribution to our community for you are helping to fill in the gaps when it comes to the failed medical system.  I don’t know what we would do without people like you on our side.  I think people like you and other alternative practitioners who are working on a sliding scale are like guardians and teachers of the community.