Category: Immune System

Homeopathic Acute Remedies for Coughs

By Nicole Maxwell, NMD

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health.  Homeopathic remedies are extremely safe to use, even with very small children and pets. They have none of the side effects of many traditional medications, are very affordable, are made from natural substances, and are FDA regulated.  Great for the home medicine kit! 

Generally speaking, coughing is perfectly normal. A cough can help to keep your throat clear from phlegm and other irritants. However, sustained coughing can also be symptomatic of a number of conditions, such as a viral or bacterial infection.  Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of coughs, though professional care is usually necessary to achieve a deeper level of cure of chronic respiratory problems.  

Below are several remedy choices.  A person does not need to have all the symptoms in a remedy profile for it to be the right fit.  


Boise Natural Health Clinic and most health food stores carry 6c and 30c potencies.  If you have the option, start with 6c.  

Acutely ill patients need more frequent repetitions whether the remedy is high or low potency. Don’t be afraid to repeat or change remedies frequently in this situation.   “Frequently” means every few minutes in urgent situations and perhaps every 3 to 4 hours in less urgent situations. The frequency should taper off as the patient recovers.

Homeopathic remedies come in small pellets and can be taken in water as well as dry under the tongue. The most common way to take them in water is to simply put a dose into a drinking glass of water.  Acutely ill patients may sip or take a teaspoonful as frequently as needed, usually stirred before each dose.  The pellets do not need to be completely dissolved first. This is an effective way to give patients relief while also stretching the supply of the remedy.

ACONITUM: These patients wake from sleep with a dry, hoarse, croupy cough, which tends to be worse at night and after midnight. They are apt to develop a cold or cough during dry cold weather. Along with their dry cough, they will have a dry mouth and shortness of breath. They are usually very thirsty. The cough is worse from being cold, drinking cold water, from tobacco smoke, lying on either side, and at night, especially after midnight. This remedy is very commonly given for the initial stages of croup, bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia. These patients are often restless and anxious.

BRYONIA: When a common cold starts with a nasal discharge and then moves down into the chest, Bryonia is often given, especially when the cough is dry and worse by motion or breathing in. It is painful to move and to inspire, so these patients tend to hold their chest as they breathe in order to limit the motion of the chest. The cough is also aggravated by warm rooms and during or after eating. These patients tend to be sensitive to drafts and are always catching cold. They may feel some tickling in the larynx which irritates the cough.

PHOSPHORUS: These patients have a dry hard cough, sometimes with a persistent tickle felt behind the sternum. The cough is aggravated by lying down, especially on the left side, and they are wakened at night and need to sit up to cough. They are also aggravated by talking, moving, going from a warm room to cold air, or from strong odors. To decrease pain from coughing, they usually hold their chest. The tightness in their chest is relieved by the warmth of a bed. They crave ice drinks. Their illness exhausts them, and they sometimes have an empty, all-gone feeling or burning in the chest. Their nasal discharge may have some blood streaked in it, and they may become hoarse. This medicine is commonly given in more serious respiratory conditions like pneumonia.

PULSATILLA: This remedy is related to some characteristic cough symptoms, but it is more commonly prescribed based on a patients’s general characteristics. The cough symptoms are aggravated in a warm room or warm weather, by lying down to sleep, and at night. Walking in the cool air provides some relief. Also, the patient must sit up in bed to breathe better. Typically, she has a dry cough during the day, and a productive cough with yellow or greenish expectoration at night and upon waking. The key general characteristics of Pulsatilla patients are that they are affectionate, moody, weepy, indecisive, and always seek to please others. They crave affection and sympathy and cannot get enough of it.

RUMEX: The most distinctive characteristic of patients who need this remedy is that their cough is extremely sensitive to cold air. They may even place a blanket or towel over their head to avoid breathing cold air. They experience a tickling in the throat and an irritation below the larynx that is aggravated by touching or pressing the pit of the throat. They have a dry cough and usually become hoarse. They are aggravated in the night and by motion and feel better in warmth.

SPONGIA: This remedy is one of the primary medicines for a dry, barking, croupy cough. The air passages are dry, the sputum is absent, and the voice is hoarse. The coughing can be exacerbated by cold air, warm rooms, tobacco smoke, talking, lying with the head low, drinking cold fluids, or eating sweets. Warm food or drinks, even in small doses, provide some relief, as does sitting up and leaning forward. This remedy is considered a second stage croup remedy, after Aconitum and before Hepar and Kali bic.

To get help with selecting the correct remedy for you and additional supportive therapies call Boise Natural Health Clinic to schedule an appointment at 208-338-0405.


Mullein Cold Infusion – Herbal Remedy for Chronic Coughs and Irritated Lungs

By Emily Dickerson, NMD

The respiratory infections that spread and persisted across the Treasure Valley this past winter and spring were brutal. Sinus congestion and coughs lasted for  weeks, and often for months. Following respiratory infections came seasonal allergies, which caused bronchial irritation and respiratory symptoms to linger for even longer. Many of my patients have had difficulty differentiating between infection and allergies. Their lungs continued to be irritated and inflamed, and they have had difficulty getting their coughs to go away. Soon we will transition into the heat of the summer months, with potential for forest fire air pollution to irritate our airways. A mullein cold infusion may be just what the doctor ordered.

My favorite remedy for chronic lung irritation is a mullein (Verbascum thapsus) cold infusion. Mullein is a soothing lung tonic and is safe for all ages. It helps to resolve chronic coughs and lung irritations and promotes restoration of lung health.

Why cold infusion instead of hot infusion?

A cold infusion extracts the components of mullein that are beneficial to the respiratory tract. A hot infusion extracts different properties, so it is important to focus on herbal extraction via cold infusion for respiratory benefit. A mullein cold infusion is indicated for dry, harsh, hacking coughs, weak lungs, kidneys, and as a nervous system support. It is a great herb for hoarseness, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, and respiratory conditions in general. A mullein hot infusion may be used for colic, constipation, facial neuralgia, and urinary tract irritation. You will also find it in a garlic-mullein combination for external ear drops used for earaches.

I recommended a mullein cold infusion to many of my patients this year. I would like to continue to share it in hopes that it might help any of you that are still suffering or will suffer from chronic lung irritation.

Parts used: The leaves are used for lung support, so that is what I am focusing on in this article. Mullein is a biennial plant, meaning that it lives for 2 years and changes from its 1st year to its 2nd year. The leaves that are best for a cold infusion are those in the 1st year, which is before it grows a stalk. If wildcrafting, make sure that you harvest mullein that is not polluted. Focus on areas away from heavy car or foot traffic.

Simple instructions for how to make a mullein cold infusion:

Infuse 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh mullein leaves (chopped or crushed) per cup of water; or 1 handful of mullein leaves per gallon of water. A cold infusion is very simple to do! You simply place the herb in cold water, let it soak overnight, remove the herb, then store in your refrigerator. Using cold water instead of hot water optimizes the lung-benefiting, demulcent properties of mullein.


  • Adult, acute: Drink 1 cup every 2-3 hours.
  • Adult, chronic: Drink 1 cup three times per day.
  • For kids, the strength of the infusion should be decreased, but dosing intervals are the same.

Recommendations for Preventing and Treating the Flu

Joan Haynes, NMD


  1. Read the “8 Natural Tips to Prevent a Cold” on WebMD for the basics.
  2. Boost your immune system
    • Eliminate or reduce sugar. Sugar decreases the activity of white blood cells, your primary immune defense system.
    • A quality multivitamin, fish oil and probiotics will go a long way to ensure your immune system has what it needs.
    • Eat nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables daily. Alternatively, a green drink such as Nanogreens can help supplement the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.
    • Eat garlic – try to get a clove in every day.
    • Correct a Vitamin D deficiency if you have one.  If you don’t know your vitamin D status, take 2,000 iu a day.  Testing is available through our office.
    • Rotate immune supporting herbs such as astragulus, mushrooms extracts, and echinacea.
    • Alterative Tea is an herbal preparation designed to help immune support while gently detoxifying the body.  1-3 cups daily is used for immune support.  Available at Boise Natural Health.
    • Exercise daily and reduce your stress!
    • Use essential oils regularly – in the air, on your skin orally.
  3. Take something to prevent the flu.  If you aren’t getting a flu vaccine, consider an alternative.  Homeopathic flu prevention preparations such as Muccococcinum are available to the public at our clinic.  Similar preparations are available at better vitamin shops and natural food stores.

Symptoms of the Flu

  • Common symptoms of the flu include:
  • Fever
  • Runny Nose
  • Cough
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fatigue

Treating the Flu

Below is a list of treatment options you can choose from. Because some products are contraindicated in children or pregnant women, it is suggested that you consult your physician regarding what would be best for you.  Early treatment is best.

  1. Stay at home from work or school until all fevers subside for 24 continuous hours.
  2. General immune support with herbs and nutrients in combination products such as Biovegetarian or Wellness Formula.
  3. Elderberry has been shown in studies to reduce the duration and severity of the flu.  Boise Natural Health carries a high quality elderberry extract that tastes good.
  4. Specific herbs for cough.  We can create a tincture for you.
  5. Homeopathy.  Specific remedies can be useful to lessen symptoms and shorten duration.
  6. Warming Socks Treatment. Please ask for a copy of instructions for this very simple and effective treatment.

When to See your Physician

  1. Most people with the flu will recover without medical help. However, if you or your child have any of the following severe symptoms, please seek medical care:  prolonged illness longer than 5-7 days, shortness of breath, chest pain, intractable vomiting, confusion, sudden dizziness, dehydration, any progressively worsening symptoms, or in a child, non responsiveness, bluish skin color, or fever with rash.
  2. If you need help creating a treatment plan, call our office and set up an appointment.


Warming Sock Treatment

Warming Sock Treatment

A natural method of stimulating the immune system and helping to zap a cold or flu is called the “wet sock” or “warming sock” treatment. This hydrotherapy treatment, which is commonly prescribed by Naturopathic Physicians, involves putting on ice-cold socks and … are you ready for this? … sleeping in them! It may sound strange, but it works because it rallies the body’s defenses, and the best part about it is that it uses the healing power of nature and doesn’t cost anything. The treatment is known as a “heating compress,” meaning that it’s up to the body to heat the cold, wet socks. The body reacts to the cold socks by increasing blood circulation, which also stimulates the immune system, which is then ready for battle against the affliction or condition.

This non-invasive treatment acts to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head and throat. It also has a sedating action, and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment. Warming socks are also effective for pain relief and increases the healing response during acute infections. It’s best to start the wet sock treatment on first day of an illness, ideally repeating it for three nights in a row. People with chronic conditions or a compromised immunity should consult with a doctor before starting the wet sock treatment.

The wet sock treatment is used in conjunction with other modalities to treat acute inflammation and infection and is only one component of an integrated treatment plan that includes hydration, proper nutrition and immunity-boosting supplements. Boise Natural Health practitioners can work with you to formulate a comprehensive immunity-boosting plan.


Sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.


Use with caution in diabetes, Raynaud’s phenomenon or syndrome, arterial insufficiency or advanced intermittent claudication.


1 pair white cotton socks

1 pair thick wool socks


Warm bath or warm foot bath


  1. Take a pair of thin cotton socks and soak them completely with cold water.  After wetting the socks, wring them out thoroughly so they do not drip. You may consider placing them in the freezer for 10-20 minutes (during the duration of step 2) to enhance the cooling effect.
  2. While the socks are cooling, warm your feet in a warm bath for 5-10 minutes.  This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first.
  3. Dry off feet and body with a dry towel.
  4. If needed, remove the cotton socks from the freezer, and bend or thaw them to the point where they can be worn. Place socks on the feet and cover the cold socks with a second pair of thick, dry wool socks.  Go directly to bed.  Avoid getting chilled.
  5. Keep the socks on overnight. You will find that the wet cotton socks will be dry by the morning.


Staying Healthy while Traveling – 4 Tips

by Joan Haynes, NMD

If your vacation plans this summer involve travel to a foreign country, here are some tips to ensure your health stays in tip-top shape while you’re gone. Foreign lands mean foreign bugs, ones that our immune systems are less adapted too. If you are headed to a place where parasites are common, some extra precautions can be very helpful.

1. Prepare your digestive tract & prevent gastrointestinal illness

Take probiotics

Increasing your healthy intestinal bacteria for a month before your trip will leave you less susceptible to pathogens. We recommend HMF capsules one cap twice per day. This brand can tolerate room temperatures for up 30 days without refrigeration. If you are headed to a hot area without a fridge or air conditioning, buy a brand that is heat stable.

Make sure your digestive function is strong

Normal stomach acid is our best defense against pathogenic organisms. If you have symptoms such as gas, bloating, heartburn, or indigestion, check with your doctor to see if supplementing with hydrochloric acid is appropriate for you.

Don’t drink the water (or eat the salad, or iced drinks, etc!)

Hydration is very important of course, and if you are travelling to an area that has contaminated water, vigilance is required to avoid gastrointestinal illness. The best solution is to bring your own water filter and treat your water yourself. REI has some great options. If you choose to go the bottled water route, make sure that you are the one opening your bottles and check the seals. It is not uncommon in impoverished countries for locals to refill old bottles with unclean water and resell it. Similarly, do not believe any claims that the water or ice is boiled or treated. I could have saved myself a week of misery in Nepal if I had been less naïve! Peel your own fruit, insist that your food is steaming hot when it’s brought to you, and eschew raw salads and ice. You will be a less frequent visitor to the latrine.

Consider Hepatitis B vaccination if travelling to endemic areas

Hepatitis B causes an acute viral infection of the liver. Severe malaise, fatigue, and abdominal pain are common symptoms. It is transmitted when food preparers don’t wash their hands properly after using the toilet. The vaccine itself is one of the more benign ones, and could save you from ruining your vacation.

2. Prepare your circadian rhythm with melatonin

Jet lag can slow down the best of us. If you are travelling across several time zones, melatonin can be extremely helpful in “resetting” the circadian clock. Take 3 mg at the time that locals would be going to bed (and go to bed yourself). This should help induce proper sleep and wake times for that time zone.

3. Support your immune system

Get adequate sleep, and go easy on the sugar and alcohol. If you are concerned about a tendency to get sick, take an immune stimulating product such as Biovegetarian by Priority 1. As a preventative, the dose is 2 tablets per day. To treat acute illness the dose is 2 tablets 3-4 x/day.

4. Bring a travel kit and add your own natural medicines

Additional natural remedies you may wish to add:

For gastrointestinal illness:

Arsenicum 30C A homeopathic remedy that treats vomiting or diarrhea. At the first sign of getting ill, let 3 pellets dissolve under your tongue. Use every hour or two when awake until symptoms resolve.

Charcoal caps Charcoal absorbs toxins in your digestive tract. If you feel you ate or drank something that upset your system, take 2 caps (for a child) or 4 caps (for an adult). You can take 2 more capsules in another 1-2 hours. The charcoal will turn your stool black.

NF Phytofuge These capsules contain several different herbs that kill off parasites and pathogenic bacteria. They can be used as a preventative measure (1-2 caps per day) as well as to treat an acute infection (1-2 caps 3-4x/day).

Probiotics HMF caps or Probiotic Pearls (shelf stable) from the Co-op. Take 1cap with each meal to ensure healthy gut bacteria.

For trauma:

Arnica 30C

A homeopathic remedy that treats acute injuries by helping to reduce pain, swelling and bruising. Take 3 pellets under the tongue as soon after the injury as possible. This can be repeated every hour until symptoms subside.

Traumeel gel

A homeopathic topical gel that works similarly to arnica. Apply to affected areas every 2-3 hours as needed for pain and swelling.

For sunburn:

Aloe gel Soothing and healing to the skin following a burn. Do not apply to blistering or broken skin. Available at the Co-op.

For sleep/ jet lag:

Melatonin Take 1-3 mg at bedtime in your new time zone.

For colds/flu or general immune support:

Biovegetarian 2 caps per day as preventative, 2 caps 3-4 x/day for acute illness Consider purchasing a homeopathic first aid kit and book for other illnesses and injuries such as sunburn, insect bites, earaches etc.

All products are available at Boise Natural Health unless otherwise referenced. Happy Travels