Many insurance plans have high deductibles or limited coverage that don’t cover the tests or medications you need. These two services below may be able to find you a lower price than your insurance co-pay.
- Order and pay for your own lab tests directly online.
- Get your blood drawn at Quest Diagnostic in Meridian
- Receive results yourself online.
- Share results thru BNHC Patient Portal or bring a copy to your visit.
Ulta will not bill your insurance and their receipt isn’t coded for insurance reimbursement. In exchange, you don’t need a doctor’s order and they have very low prices. They often run specials you can receive emails about.
Ordering labs can be tricky if you aren’t sure what to order. If you like reading about health, Ulta offers lots of information that will help you navigate your choices. Some tests need to happen in coordination with your medication or diet. When in doubt, consult your provider prior to ordering.
- Find fee coupons
- Show coupon to your pharmacist
- Save up to 80%
Over 70,000 pharmacies participate for most commonly prescribed medications. When you use a coupon, the pharmacy will not bill your insurance. You will often pay less than your insurance co-pay. You may be able to submit your receipt for potential reimbursement or credit toward your deductible. It’s easy to compare pharmacy prices. Be sure to do your research AHEAD OF TIME so you can tell your provider which pharmacy to send your prescription.
You might also want to check out Mark Cuban’s new drug company that has comparable offerings.