The Tipping Point 

I recently attended the Fall Advanced Applications for Medical Practice (AAMP) Conference on The Sensitized and Reactive Patient. This is a semi-annual conference that targets more difficult to treat conditions and cases. Despite presentations coming from multiple types of practitioners over subjects such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dysautonomia, Hypermobility, and Mycotoxins, one theme seemed … Read more

Histamine is more than just allergies; it’s a neurotransmitter!

When we think of allergies, we think of histamine. However, our body uses histamine in many other ways and sometimes, just like any other neurotransmitter, it can get dysregulated. So what happens if it is dysregulated? You can develop Histamine Intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).  Picture your histamine system as a sink with … Read more

What’s in my Tea Drawer?

While people may know that we can make teas out of the medicinal herbs we often use, we often forget that the usual teas we see in our tea drawer (is it only me that has an entire drawer dedicated to tea?) can have medicinal value as well! Here are some common teas most of … Read more

My new favorite herb: Salvia Miltiorrhiza (aka Dan Shen or Red Sage)

In my practice treating chronic complex illness, Dan Shen is a recent addition to my repertoire that I’ve begun using with success.  This herb is in the sage species that originally comes from China. It was traditionally used to promote blood circulation, calm the mind, regulate menstruation, and to relieve pain. However, modern research papers … Read more

The Far-Reaching Effects of Hormones on Your Body

Many people are aware that sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA influence more than just reproduction and menstrual cycles. While common knowledge acknowledges their impact on bone density, brain health, and cardiovascular risk, emerging medical perspectives recognize that these hormones have even broader effects. Our Changing Brain Architecture Throughout the Menstrual Cycle Recent … Read more

Boise Natural Health Clinic now Carries Beyond Balance Product Line!

Boise Natural Health Clinic is now partnered with Beyond Balance Inc to provide gentle herbal formulations for our chronic complex patients.  Chronic complex illness is complicated As many of my patients know, chronic complex illness can not only be difficult to recognize and diagnose, but also difficult to treat. There are so many different factors … Read more


Covid is Here to Stay It’s pretty clear that COVID is here to stay. It continues to not only infect new cases but continues to wreak havoc in the already infected longer than the traditional medical model previously considered possible. Long COVID is a poorly understood constellation of symptoms (both mental and physical) that persist … Read more

Mitochondrial Damage and Chronic Illness

In late May, I attended the 13th Advanced Applications for Medical Practice (AAMP)’s conference on Mitochondrial Medicine: Healing in Chronic and Post Infectious Illness. It is a 3-day conference that is packed with amazing information that I’ve been attending for the last three years. The Cell’s Mitochondria – damage creates long-term symptoms As some of … Read more