Author: BNHC Testimonials

Helped Me Feel and Stay Feeling Better

I am so impressed with Dr. Falkner at Boise Natural Health. She has helped me feel and stay feeling better. She really listens to me and cares about my well-being. I am on Medicare now but will always use Boise Natural Health & Dr. Falkner as they meet the medical health needs that other faculties and doctors just do not or will not pay attention to… I feel so lucky to have Boise Natural Health as an option. Thank you for being there!!

Rochelle Mella

Help with Thyroid

Thank you for all the care you have given me on my thyroid journey. You are so dedicated, kind, knowledgeable and supportive. Your treatment has made a significant difference for me! It is rare to find a healthcare provider so wonderful as you! Joy! Gratitude! Hope!


Changed My Life

I can honestly say that one naturpathic doctor changed my life.

Dr. Michaela Falkner was the first in a long line of doctors to diagnose my complex issues as Lyme Disease. She’s a fantastic and patient listener, and she is very neurodiverse friendly! I followed her from California because I know I will continue to get fantastic care. I recommend her without reservation.

Caeri B.

Complementary Approach Extends Cancer Patient’s Life

Dear Boise Natural Health Clinic,

Thank you very much for what you did to help Anna in her battle with cancer. Four years ago the doctors told us she had very little chance of surviving more than a year due to her colon cancer. Then they discovered that there were large tumors in her liver. They told her she probably wouldn’t survive more than a month or so.

Her oncologist Dr. Zuckerman suggested some surgery, chemotherapy and an appointment with your office. After meeting with you and discussing the recommended treatment, we subsequently spoke with the doctor who wholeheartedly recommended your treatment program.

Treatments consisted of radiation seed implants in the liver, chemotherapy, and your program, which included mushrooms and heavy doses of melatonin. The doctors had little hope of success, but then noticed that the large tumors in her liver were shrinking and apparently dying. The doctors were calling this remarkable, considering the advanced stages of the tumors. Dr. Zuckerman told me he felt the natural healing program was a large part of the success.
Although Anna was told four years ago that she would only survive a few weeks, she actually survived three more good years without any symptoms, for which I will be eternally grateful. It is quite possible she would have survived much longer if they had caught a new tumor in its early stages.

I still call her the miracle woman, but in actuality I attribute her additional four years of success in her battle with cancer to her faith, her medical treatment plans and to her natural health program provided by Joan Haynes. I feel all three of these were very important, and I feel without any one of them her success would have been limited to months instead of years.

Thank you again Joan, I will tell as many people as I can about how you helped as.


Glenn Morgan

COVID Which Exasperated Major Digestive Issues

My Mom contracted COVID in January which exasperated major digestive issues. We were in crisis mode from mid-January until early February when I thought to contact Dr. Nicole Maxwell. At that time, Mom was on a liquid diet, she had been in the ER (3) times and was having TIA-like episodes nightly. We both feel that without Dr. Maxwell’s prescribed protocol and intervention my Mom would not likely be with us today. In two short weeks, my Mom has seen 50 – 80% improvement in her symptoms. We are working diligently to get to the root cause, and are optimistic Mom will make a full recovery. Thank you simply isn’t enough! We are very grateful to be able to have Dr. Maxwell on our team. She’s thorough, compassionate, proactive, and quick to respond. We highly recommend her and Boise Natural Health!

One Visit Identifies Cause and Fixes Problem

“Dr. Haynes correctly identified my stomach issues and gave me supplements to replenish what my body was missing. I felt completely better within days! I had been to 3 MDs who had no answers for my Summer-long illness that was wearing me down. She also helped me gently modify my diet according so my body and stomach would remain healthy. As a result, I no longer have migraine headaches OR painful stomach cramps. By the way, this was all in one appointment and has helped me for years. Thank you Dr. Haynes!”

Inspiration For Mother and Daughter

“Joan, Just wanted to thank you so much for your patience and kindness that you extended today to my mother. I know that she took up a great deal of your time and I am just so grateful to you for your loving care. I know she was really impressed that you phoned her back the other day, because as you know, it is rare that a physician will personally phone a patient. For you to do that just goes beyond anything that you would have been obligated to do. Thank you so much for all your help. You have truly inspired me to look for natural, holistic approaches to my own health, and I know that what you have to offer my mother is so much more than she has received from all of the doctors that she has spent her life and her finances on.”

Feeling Better

Dr Faulkner, has helped me a lot! She’s very knowledgeable, thoughtful & caring. She has gone the extra mile to figure out why my body hasn’t been functioning up to parr. I’m feeling better. 


 Thank-you Dr Faulkner, I appreciate you very much!!!


My Hero

Dr. Falkner is my hero. She is not only extremely thorough but also knowledgeable, kind, and has her patient’s best interest in mind. She makes sure that you have all the information from websites to read up on, to articles for recipes, and even discounts on prescriptions. In this day and age it is hard to find a doctor that actually cares about their patient and follows up because they are invested in your health, not the follow up visit for more money. Thank you Dr Falkner. Keep being you!