What is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor?

Naturopathic Medical Doctors or Naturopathic Physicians (NMD) are the only licensed naturopathic providers in Idaho who are educated and trained in accredited naturopathic medical colleges recognized by the US Dept of Education. They diagnose, prevent, and treat acute and chronic illness to restore and establish optimal health by supporting the person’s inherent self-healing process. While … Read more

Medical Research – A Disturbing Corruption

Doctoring Data: How to sort out medical advice from medical nonsense by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Book Review by Dr. Haynes Almost all of the medical research is funded, conducted, and reported by the corporations with vested interests.  Dr. Kendrick has been studying the problems in medical research for over 30 years.  After reading his book, … Read more

Health Savings Account

Joan Haynes, NMD A Health Savings Account (HAS) makes a lot of sense for people who would  rather spend their money on alternative medicine instead of paying for insurance premiums for health care they don’t use. In Idaho, Naturopathic Medicine and/or massage is covered by some, but not all insurance companies. Instead of paying high … Read more