The Tipping Point 

I recently attended the Fall Advanced Applications for Medical Practice (AAMP) Conference on The Sensitized and Reactive Patient. This is a semi-annual conference that targets more difficult to treat conditions and cases. Despite presentations coming from multiple types of practitioners over subjects such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dysautonomia, Hypermobility, and Mycotoxins, one theme seemed to be present in all presentations: Medicine is more complex now than it ever has been.  

It seems like our current environment has us on the precipice as a human population: one little thing can easily tip us into pathology. Our world is more complex, our understanding of our bodies is more complicated, and medicine is slow to catch up. It’s why the conditions I treat are so often poorly understood in mainstream medicine. We not only have to take into account the condition in front of us, but we also need to consider the patient’s environmental factors as well, such as mold exposure, glyphosate use, BPA exposure, EMF exposure, genetics; the list goes on.  

Here are some easy ways to “uncomplicate” your life to change your Tipping Point. 

  • Eat organic and seasonal produce. Not all produce needs to be organic, but at least buy those on the dirty dozen list as organic. Consider buying locally grown produce as that has more nutrients on average than chain grocery store produce shipped in from afar. 
  • Drink plenty of water (at least 64oz).  Bonus points if its filtered by a high quality water filter and electrolytes are replenished.  
  • Don’t store or heat foods in plastic. Bonus points for avoiding the microwave.  
  • Try to handle thermal receipt paper as little as possible.  
  • Eat at least 20-40 grams of fiber a day.  
  • Move! Add strength training. Aim for 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise.  
  • Consider a HEPA air purifier in your bedroom and keep that space a “clean” zone.  
  • Close bedroom doors, don’t allow pets in the bedroom, and occasionally open a window (unless your seasonal allergies are going crazy!).  
  • Drink rooibos, dandelion root, turmeric, spearmint, milk thistle, or green teas.  
  • Minimize eating foods with preservatives, dyes, and artificial flavoring.  
  • Yuka is a nice app that will scan your label and give you healthier alternatives. 
  • Eat lots of antioxidant-rich foods: green tea, ginger, turmeric, garlic, broccoli, berries, cacao, basil, artichokes, spinach, pomegranates, kiwis, figs, etc.  
  • Don’t wear your shoes inside your house.  
  • Avoid wearing synthetic fragrances.  
  • Avoid PFAs rich cookware like non-stick pots and pans.  

If you want more help on simplifying your life or getting to the root cause of your symptoms, contact us at Boise Natural Health Clinic.