Dear Boise Natural Health Clinic,
Thank you very much for what you did to help Anna in her battle with cancer. Four years ago the doctors told us she had very little chance of surviving more than a year due to her colon cancer. Then they discovered that there were large tumors in her liver. They told her she probably wouldn’t survive more than a month or so.
Her oncologist Dr. Zuckerman suggested some surgery, chemotherapy and an appointment with your office. After meeting with you and discussing the recommended treatment, we subsequently spoke with the doctor who wholeheartedly recommended your treatment program.
Treatments consisted of radiation seed implants in the liver, chemotherapy, and your program, which included mushrooms and heavy doses of melatonin. The doctors had little hope of success, but then noticed that the large tumors in her liver were shrinking and apparently dying. The doctors were calling this remarkable, considering the advanced stages of the tumors. Dr. Zuckerman told me he felt the natural healing program was a large part of the success.
Although Anna was told four years ago that she would only survive a few weeks, she actually survived three more good years without any symptoms, for which I will be eternally grateful. It is quite possible she would have survived much longer if they had caught a new tumor in its early stages.
I still call her the miracle woman, but in actuality I attribute her additional four years of success in her battle with cancer to her faith, her medical treatment plans and to her natural health program provided by Joan Haynes. I feel all three of these were very important, and I feel without any one of them her success would have been limited to months instead of years.
Thank you again Joan, I will tell as many people as I can about how you helped as.
Glenn Morgan